‘We’re caregivers, not maids,’ say Filipino domestic workers in Korea

Filipino workers participating in the pilot program for foreign domestic workers arrive at Incheon International Airport, Aug. 6. Yonhap

When asked about her expected duties, Mary (a pseudonym), a participant in Korea’s pilot program for Filipino domestic workers, said that she was told her role would involve “taking care of expectant mothers or children in households.”

Another participant, Belle (a pseudonym), also said, “My main job is caregiving, and I understand that I will only assist with household chores related to caregiving when necessary.”

This perspective differs from the traditional role of “domestic workers” in Korea, who often take on multiple responsibilities, such as caring for 토토 children while also preparing meals for other family members or housecleaning. This could signal potential conflicts over the scope of duties in the future.

The Hankook Ilbo reached out to about 10 of the 100 Filipino domestic workers who were selected for the program on June 21. Some declined to comment, and others who initially agreed later withdrew due to concerns related to their employment status.

Mary and Belle also expressed worries after the interview, fearing possible repercussions, so pseudonyms were used to protect their identities. The interviews were conducted via social media messages before the workers arrived in Korea last month.

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