It was once the sole No. 1 player…Lotte Shock Has Decided To Be Out Of Fall Baseball For 6th consecutive Year

The Lotte Giants lost 0-7 against the LG Twins of the “2023 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO League” at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on the 10th.

Along with starting pitcher Son Joo-young, the home team LG released the starting batting order of Park Hae-min (center fielder), Moon Sung-joo (right fielder), Kim Hyun-soo (left fielder), Austin Dean (designated hitter), Oh Ji-hwan (striker), Moon Bo-kyung (third baseman), Kim Bum-seok (first baseman), Kim Min-sung (second baseman), and Heo Do-hwan (catcher).

The visiting team Lotte put forward Lee In-bok as a starting pitcher, and built the batting order 1st to 9th with Ahn Kwon-soo (left fielder), Han Dong-hee (first baseman), Yoon Dong-hee (center fielder), Jeon Joon-woo (designated hitter), Yoo Kang-nam (catcher), Niko Goodrum (third baseman), Jeong Dae-seon (second baseman), Seo Dong-wook (right fielder), and Bae Young-bin (striker).

Lotte attack in the top of the first inning. Lotte reported its first hit of the game as leadoff hitter Ahn Kwon-soo only grounded out to third base, but Han Dong-hee hit a heavy hit. However, Yoon Dong-hee’s ball led to a line drive out of the second baseman and Jeon Joon-woo stepped down with a swing and strikeout, failing to hunt for a score. 스포츠토토

So did LG. In the bottom of the first inning, leadoff hitter Park Hae-min was thrown out with a fly ball to left field and Moon Sung-joo grounded out to shortstop, and LG had a chance with two outs and runners on first and second base as Kim Hyun-soo hit a right-handed hit and Austin hit a first pitch to hit a left-handed hit, but Oh Ji-hwan was out with a grounder to second base, so he couldn’t score.

Lotte had no harvest in the top of the second inning. Leadoff hitter Yoo Kang-nam had no income due to a flyout to left field, and Goodrum succeeded in getting on base with a straight walk, but Jung Dae-sun struck out standing and Seo Dong-wook also hit a ground ball to shortstop, resulting in an offense and defense shift.

LG’s attack in the bottom of the second inning ended with a three-way exit. Moon Bo-kyung grounded out to the second baseman, Kim Bum-seok pulled out a foul flyout to the first baseman, and Kim Min-sung stepped down with a line drive out to the third baseman.

Lotte’s frustrating attack continued in the third inning. Leadoff hitter Bae Young-bin was out with a grounder to third base, and Ahn Kwon-soo got on base with an infield hit to first base and succeeded in advancing to second base with pitcher Son Joo-young’s balk, but he had to finish the attack without scoring again as Han Dong-hee retired with a grounder to third base and Yoon Dong-hee bowed his head with a standing strikeout.

LG also had no income at the end of the third inning. Starting with leadoff hitter Huh Do-hwan striking out, Park Hae-min grounded out to pitchers and Moon Sung-joo struck out after a full count battle.

Lotte started the attack in the top of the fourth inning with Jeon Joon-woo, the fourth batter, but Jeon Joon-woo was out with a grounder to the second base in the first pitch, and Yoo Kang-nam also hit a grounder to the second base. Goodrum got on base with another walk following the last at-bat, but Jung Dae-sun’s hit led to a flyout into the center fielder’s glove, ending the attack without scoring.

Finally, LG broke the frustrating trend in the bottom of the fourth inning. Leadoff hitter Kim Hyun-soo opened the door coolly with a left-center double, and LG took the lead with one point as Austin hit a timely triple in the right-center. LG, which added one more point with Oh Ji-hwan’s sacrifice fly to left field, was able to finish the attack in the bottom of the fourth inning with a 2-0 lead. Moon Bo-kyung grounded out to first baseman, and Kim Bum-seok grounded out to center fielder.

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