Korea Sports Promotion Foundation announces its promise to the people ‘Improvement of national sports welfare’

On the 3rd, the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation announced its ‘Promise to the People’ and set the new year’s goals as improving national sports welfare and enhancing the global competitiveness of sports companies. At the inaugural ceremony held at the new building in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 3rd, Cho Hyeon-jae, chairman of the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, said, “With the relocation of the new building, the corporation will be reborn as a leading K-sports organization that can receive love and trust from the public. We will establish and materialize a detailed implementation plan.” “We will strive to provide effective sports services to the people through this.”

The ‘Promise to the People in the KSPO 2.0 Era’ announced by the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation on this day consists of a total of 5 items and 12 tasks.First, we promised to tightly establish conditions for enjoying sports in daily life and to firmly support the global competitiveness of K-sports companies. He also emphasized that he will take the lead in creating an eco-friendly culture led by sports and widely spread the sports values ​​of fairness, challenge, and harmony to future generations and the world.The Korea Sports Promotion Foundation 슬롯게이밍 went on to pledge, “We will grow into a trusted public institution by practicing integrity in our daily lives.”

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