BETONSPORTS plc. would like to make the following statement, noting recent reports from various media outlets in the United Kingdom and the United States: 온라인카지노
Beton Sports plc (called the company) acquired a range of businesses formed in the group shortly before its listing in July 2004. All of the board’s executive directors and non-executive directors, except David Carothers, were appointed immediately after or after its listing and are not named in the indictment.
Since the time of public listing, the Board believes that the Company has operated in accordance with the standards expected in the UK Plc publicly cited in the AIM of the London Stock Exchange. The Board wants to make it absolutely clear that none of the founders of the initial business have an ongoing role within the Company. As disclosed in the AIM document, the first founder has a consulting agreement with the Company, which was an absolute requirement for the liquidity of the Board and beyond.
Some media reports have focused on allegations of inappropriate conduct at the group’s Costa Rican operations during VIP parties and other events. All of the allegations relate to the time before the company took over the business and to a float in July 2004.
The board wants to ensure that the investment community, employees, and customers are evaluating all options of the company in consultation with the company’s lawyers and deciding whether to take the next step. Further statements will be issued once a decision is made in this regard. The company wants to thank employees, customers, investors, and partners for their patience and support in this process and will issue additional information as soon as possible.